
Phillip Adejumo Via Twitter: Black People CAN And DO Swim

5x Nigerian swimming national record holder Phillip Adejumo took to Twitter in August 2019 to remind the sporting world that Africans and black people in general “CAN and DO swim.”

In an 11 part Twitter rant, the Yale graduate student and elite swimmer unraveled the stereotype that black people can’t swim.

Black people CAN and Do Swim

Here’s the truth…

Africans were prohibited from learning how to swim

Now we’re suffering the consequences

How can we fix this?

Support Black and African swimmers!

African swimming is on the rise and Africans In Sports is dedicated to helping spread the word. We are working with athletes like Phillip to share their stories in an effort to inspire young Africans to take to the pool.

If history has taught us anything is that Africans will always find a way to become champions.

Hopefully one of these pioneers of the pool can take home the gold in 2021.
